Friday, August 24, 2012

V 0.7

New update.


Added Missions
Added weekly bonus - Free Lotion
Added Mission Completion Bonuses
added support for mission completion exclusive girls
added first mission completion exclusive girl
discovered the image frame has been fucked up this whole time, fixed it
fixed pictures fucked up by image frame
replaced some pictures of girls with new ones.



  1. man, you're fuckin awesome.
    you listend to my feed back. i love you.
    go get some one to suck your dick.
    you deserve it.

  2. alright more feed back.

    the starting cash is way too high 10000 no matter waht girl. (i only tryed gwen and raven)
    the adverting is fuckin perfect and hilarious.
    the building system is cool. but there should be more types of houses. i mean this is 'getting-fucked the space planet' add like. sci-fi house, tropical house, city house, niggervile house... idk. something... more houses.
    theres something glitchy with buying girls. you can only buy gwen raven or frankie, and sometimes you cant buy anyone.
    items and perks dont work.
    raven (frankie too maybe) still has the starting glitch were you have to right click and hit 'play'
    stats still dont work.
    being able to flick thru the sluts while changing where they work is very handy. props. even if thats a glitch.
    i thinks thats it for now. keep up the good work.

  3. In one of the bonuses you spelled experience wrong... not a big deal, but it should probably get fixed.

  4. When completing a mission and I chose to get a girl as a reward, if I already had the only reward character it causes the game to temporarily freeze. I had this happen on multiple occasions, not sure if there's a fix.
