Wednesday, April 18, 2012


So I figured that I ought to provide a link to the original game which I am referring to when I say Hentai Sim Brothel. Here it is:    Hentai Sim Brothel Fixed

If you've never played it before, you really should. It's not too fappable and it definitely has its flaws, but the idea has great potential and it's fun. The goal of this project would be to make an at least semi-fappable, functional, and rule34 based version of this game, potentially adding a few features along the way.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

First Post

Alright guys now that I have actually gotten the damn thing up this will be a blog for the new version of Hentai Sim Brothel that I will make using characters commonly rule34'd in threads on /b/. Right now I have to get better at flash before I can actually start doing anything, but if you want to start making suggestions, be my guest. Use the comments for now. If people seem interested I'll probably put up polls or something.